Today almost 95% webpages are Single Page Applications, they are made with many components created individually. The top JS libraries which are used to develop SPA's are React JS and Angular JS, There's a great debate on which library should we use when it's come to start a project.
Brief Introduction of React JS
React JS has been developed and maintained by Meta(Formerly known as Facebook) The first release was on 23rd May,2013. Gradually it became one of the most popular JS Library for creating reusable components. The latest version of react available now is 18.0
Brief Introduction of Angular
Angular JS has been developed and maintained by Google and Microsoft, It is typescript supported JS Framework, and used by many enterprises. Angular was first released in 2010, The latest version of angular available now is 14.0
Let's try to compare this two libraries for better understandings.
React didn't have framework advantage like angular, to support Routing we need to install 3rd Party packages and needed to configure the routing by ourselves, But with the introduction of Next JS, which is a framework for React, it becomes the most powerful tool to develop very advanced and interactive modern Single Page Applications. It is easy to learn compare to Angular, But may enterprises prefers to use Angular to develop large scale applications.